Slow Motion Photography 創意視覺

Macro Room: Slow Motion Photography 創意視覺

Macro Room was founded in 2016 by Ben Ouaniche, visual artist based in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Specializing in visual engineering combined with creative VFX post-production, he has spent the past fifteen years developing his globally recognized style, racking up over one billion views in the process.

Driven by his belief that the difference between good and great is all the difference, he has become a highly sought-after director, working with iconic brands including Netflix, Coca-Cola, Disney, Hennessy, Bayer, McDonald’s, and many more.

Macro Room 由以色列特拉維夫視覺藝術家 Ben Ouaniche 於 2016 年創立。


在「優秀與偉大之間的區別就是一切」這一信念的推動下,他成為了一位備受追捧的導演,與 Netflix、可口可樂、迪士尼、軒尼詩、拜耳、麥當勞等標誌性品牌合作。


Legendary Color 傳奇的顏色

Legendary Color 稱史上最傳奇,比黃金還貴五倍的顏色?


That touch of infinitely precious blue adds several zeros to the value of several famous paintings. Let’s listen to Da Xiong tell the story behind the colors.


2024 央视春晚 舞蹈《瓷影》

[2024央视春晚] 舞蹈《瓷影》

CCTV 春 晚  孟慶暘 左思遠 化身瓷器 舞蹈《瓷影》再現東方之美

Welcome to the China Media Group's 2024 Spring Festival Gala. We invite you to enjoy this annual cultural festival and welcome the auspicious Year of the Loong, or the Chinese dragon!
