East Meets West - Chen Yimiao 陳依妙

Chen Yimiao - East Meets West Art of Erhu 陳依妙 二胡生命力和現代感

二胡天使❤,讓世界了解二胡, 了解中華文化,了解我們中國,一個愛護和平的國度。

Bowers Museum February 26, 2022 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm, Santa Ana, CA

Enjoy a very special afternoon of enchanting musical performances in “East Meets West,” featuring two world-renowned musicians: pianist/composer George Ko, and Er Hu (a traditional Chinese instrument) musician, Yimiao Chen. Hear their independent works before delighting in a duet where East Meets West!

Yimiao Chen
Born into China’s legendary Erhu (also known as Chinese violin) family, Yimiao Chen is an award-winning Erhu musician and currently a freshman at Berklee College of Music. Blending traditional Chinese music with pop cultures, Yimiao is applauded for her cross-genre performances and viral among Gen Z. Her 2020 New Year’s Eve performance at China’s video platform, Bilibili, attracted a total of 150 million views. In 2019, David Foster, after seeing her performance at World’s Got Talent show, raved “she’s gonna to be a national Chinese treasure...the world's gonna know about you.” Yimiao has appeared on stages in many countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan, Australia, France, etc.


2016年,考入中央音樂學院附中 。2017年3月,在文化中國講壇·春季講座上演奏二胡作品《萬馬奔騰》。


2019年5月,在央視中文國際頻道《中國文藝》節目中演奏作品《新賽馬》;8月,在李玟的CoCo Lee 「YOU & I」世界巡迴演唱會上與其合作表演《刀馬旦》;9月,發佈個人單曲《金字經·胡琴》;同年,憑藉演奏作品《第一二胡狂想曲》獲得中央廣播電視總枱中國器樂電視大賽總決賽職業少年拉絃樂組冠軍 。Baidu


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